White Dorpers

Bellevue is the home of a commercial flock of pure white dorpers. Stud rams are sourced from various studs to join to our selected ewes which are continuously being improved by selecting the top ewe lambs for retaining as breeders. Ewes are joined for six weeks with lambs being sold at 5-6 months of age at 22-24kg.
Three lambings over a period of 24 months are achieved. Dorpers are renowned for their high lambing percentages with twins being the common. Dorpers are a relatively low maintenance sheep without shearing and flystrike issues. Culling for the traits like 100% shedding ability, structure and confirmation is resulting in an even line of breeders all of which are good doers and great mothers.
Please call Allan 0414 622 944 or Ryan 0411 706 022 for stock available
Rams and Ewes normally available